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丰田公司提要求 莱克萨斯被迫改名原始文件

http://www.dsblog.net 2006-05-23 16:25:28

关于NHT公司在表现形式上的8个要点 2005年9月23日 其他事件 编号8.01 其他事件 自然健康趋势公司(NHT)是一个特拉华州的公司,该公司拥有整个莱克萨斯国际的所属权,2005年8月31号在丰田汽车美国销售公司(Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.)与莱克萨斯国际(Lexxus International, Inc.)之间缔结了一个和解协议。依照丰田实业已经同意不再继续针对该公司及莱克萨斯国际提出要求,那么该公司及莱克萨斯国际必须在2006年6月1日之前完成以下几点措施。 1、要求莱克萨斯公司自此往后在所有的电话和地址联系清单中删掉“Lexxus”的字样。 2、根据相关州、县的当局所有必要的文件收回并放弃凡是以“Lexxus International”登记的商业名称,以及其他凡是包括了“Lexxus”的公司名称。 3、不再继续或重复使用商业名称“Lexxus”,以及那些凡包括或近似于“Lexxus”的服务标志、交易标志、公司名称、口号、产业名称以及其他商业证明。 4、修改莱克萨斯国际关于公司组建方面的证明文件,从公司名称中删掉“Lexxus”的字样。 5、销毁所有在其保管或控制之下的那些带有或显示有“Lexxus”的名称或标志、广告、以及其他所有包括有“Lexus”或“Lexis”名称的其他印刷材料和莱克萨斯国际的标志。 6、逐步取消“www.lexxusinternational.com”的域名。 7、将那些凡是贴有“Lexxus”或“Lexxus International”或是其他包括“Lexus”、“Lexis”字样标签的产品,包括他们所拥有、保管、控制生产或在2006年10月1日以前所生产的尚存产品,全部出售或处置掉。 关系到该公司及莱克萨斯国际与丰田公司的协定的执行方面,可以预见该公司会在2006年6月1日更换关于“Lexxus International”的名称。 原文全文: Form 8-K for NATURAL HEALTH TRENDS CORP 23-Sep-2005 Other Events Item 8.01 Other Events Natural Health Trends Corp., a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), entered into a settlement agreement (the "Toyota Agreement") dated August 31, 2005 by and among Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha (doing business as Toyota Motor Corporation), Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. (collectively, the "Toyota Entities") and Lexxus International, Inc., a Delaware corporation and wholly owned subsidiary of the Company ("Lexxus International"), pursuant to which the Toyota Entities have agreed to terminate their claims against the Company and Lexxus International, and the Company and Lexxus International have agreed to take the following actions on or before June 1, 2006: (i) request that all telephone and other directory listings for Lexxus International be modified by deleting the word "Lexxus" therefrom; (ii) file with the appropriate state or county authorities all documents necessary to withdraw and/or abandon any trade name and/or fictitious business name registrations for "Lexxus International" and any other company name that includes "Lexxus"; (iii) discontinue and refrain from using the name, mark and domain name "Lexxus" and/or any other trade name, service mark, trademark, corporate name, slogan, domain name or other commercial identification that includes or is confusingly similar to "Lexus"; (iv) amend Lexxus International's certificate of incorporation to delete the word "Lexxus" from its corporate name; (v) destroy all signage, advertising, promotional or other printed materials in their custody or control which bear or displays the name and the "Lexxus" mark, the Lexxus International mark, or any other name that includes and/or mark that includes "Lexus" or "Lexis"; (vi) take steps to cancel registration of the domain name www.lexxusinternational.com; and (vii) sell or dispose of remaining inventory of products in their possession, custody or control manufactured or produced prior to December 1, 2006, that are labeled with "Lexxus" and/or "Lexus International" or any other name and /or mark that includes "Lexus" or "Lexis". In connection with the execution of the Toyota Agreement by the Company and Lexxus International, it is anticipated that the Company will change the name of Lexxus International by June 1, 2006. http://biz.yahoo.com/e/050923/bhip8-k.html
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